Monday, January 14

Will everyone please respond to this posting and give me an example of two things that you have or haven't done since we got home from Mexico or since we started the contest on Jan 7th, and it can not include any of our goals. For example, I have not had any soft drinks since Jan 2nd and I have not eaten any white bread.



Emily said...

I don't know that I've really changed any habits, but I do have a goal suggestion: Eat 3 to 5 servings of vegetables every day. We are rotten at this at my house.

Ranae said...

Like Emily, I have been pushing the veggies big time. Likewise, I'm trying to slow down on the sugar. The trainer I work with says that if you eat 2 vegggie salads and 4 fruits daily, you can eat anything else you want (like you would have room for anything else.) Hmmm...maybe that's the point. Ranae

Cory said...

OK shane here you go...I haven't eaten any liver, smoked any cigarettes, or eaten a whole desert in the new year and I've only had 1 coke. I've had a hearing test, an eye test and an EKG. OK so I didn't eat any liver or smoke before the new year either but it sounded good, cory

Lindsey said...

The two things that I have managed to do, for better or for worse, are that I haven't cooked one meal since we got home and I have managed to eat half a tub of laffy taffy-the kind you by in bulk at Costco. I hope all of you are doing slightly better.

Reeses Pieces said...

I've actually changed a few things. I've had breakfast the past week and that's huge. I've never been a breakfast eater. I have managed to get to the gym 5 days a weeek, and I have cut out the sugar sodas. It's been all diet drinks since Mexico. I'm actually going to try Ranae's suggestion of 2 veggies and 4 fruits, but knowing myself I'm sure I can still fit some extra food in somewhere.

jimnjennie said...

I have formerly reserved the right to not eat fruit after breakfast each day. So far this year I've made an effort to eat fruit in answer to my cravings for something sweet. I lost 3.5lbs last week, but I didn't meet either of the goals. Hats off to the other heavy weights who drank their water, I averaged about 70oz/day and felt like I was drowning myself. Texas water isn't that great, it occured to me that what my kidneys were making looked more like water than the stuff I'd been drinking. Oh well, I'll do better this week.

Greg Mac said...

OK, this diet stuff stinks but given my diabetes situation, it a lifetime change. I haven't had a soft drink with sugar for over a year, I had my first hamberger in over a year(without the bun) in Mexico. I've restarted riding the bike for an hour on most days. I haven't had any problem with the liquid (with diabetes you're always thirsty!)

Fruits are mostly out vegies are in (except for potatoes). Did you know that you can make cauliflower tast like potatoes? Me either but thats what I've heard.

The fast food thing won't work for me unless I skip lunch - thats not going to happen, but you can eat well at many fast food places without the high caloric, fat, and sodium load. e.g. Wendy's Salads, half of the Gandolpho's Castle sandwich, Cafe Rio steak casadea on whole wheat, etc. Spagetti Factory has whole wheat pastas. You get the picture...

Angela said...

I walk to school from the parking lot instead of taking the shuttle bus, which at uvsc is actually pretty far. I ate a half a gallon of sherbet the other night.. Aaron

G-Dawg and the Fam said...

So a, I had a slice, okay a couple slices of pizza on Saturday, but up until then I hadnt eaten fast food for a while, except I did eat at Sonic on Thursday so I guess I'm needing this weeks goals. And I've also managed to eat only a hand full of m&m's a day, which is good compared to my usual sweets intake!

kelsey said...

I have decided that I am not very good at with standing temptation. So instead of being mad at myself for eating something I know I shouldn't, I have stopped buying things I know I shouldn't eat. If I feel like a little treat I wait for awhile to go get it and eat something healthy instead. Usually I don't want the treat anymore. If I do still want it I must have really wanted it and I'll go buy it.

natalie said...

Well, I haven't had a leaded or unleaded drink since mexico,only WATER, and I'll be darned no heart burn! And I have cut down on the calorie intake, I'm a bit tired but I feel a whole lot healthier.
Matt W

Grandma Shauna said...

I decided after eating so much in Mexico (especially sweets) that I would limit my intake of obvious sugar and only allow myself to have a dessert on Sundays. Besides that I have been drinking the water and have found that I don't feel as sluggish as I did. I will admit, the dessert I made Sunday was deadly! I think the next goal we need to have is get our veggies in for the day!
~ Shauna

Grandma Shauna said...

Oh boy, I haven't changed much of anything but the goals...I know, I know, I'm the BIGGEST LOSER! LOL!!!

Grandma Shauna said...

P.S. The last comment, you know, the funny one...Alyson wrote on Grandma Shauna's computer ;) -Alyson

Jim & Tomi said...

Water, water everywhere and all I do is drink! I feel like a giant water balloon sloshing around. I haven't done one other healthy thing but the goals. I think getting out of bed in January should count.

jimnjennie said...

I planted some vegetables in my garden last week. Does that count as healthy? I'll let you know when and if I actually eat the vegetables. Jennie

Emily said...

Ok you people, of all the weeks to do no fast food! After a full week of a screaming baby I started thinking it was more than just withdrawls from having 60 people to hold her in Mexico. Come to find out, Ruthie has a UTI. So after three days of no sleep I drag three screaming kids into the bitter cold for yet another perscription (50.00 for 1/4 cup of syrup that she is going to throw up anyway). At this point I am also starving--yes, Dad, I even have the shakes. I then remembered something: I'm not trying to lose weight. So guess what, I caved. But let me tell you, that double croussant sandwich (zesty sausage, crispy bacon, two slices of cheese, a moist roll and fried egg) at Burger King, complete with hash browns and a hot chocolate has never tasted so good. So take away my two points--it was well worth it. I have never been a big fast food eater, but I have never wanted to run through drive-thrus so badly. So, all you big losers, enjoy your salads. I'm ordering a pizza tonight with extra cheese!

G-Dawg and the Fam said...

This stretching thing has been great I have to say! I might acheive my lifelong goal of being able to come close to doing the splits! I have an idea! We should make the splits a goal for next week! (ha ha)

Tracy said...

I'm a big water drinker anyway, but the last few weeks has been a little much for me. I've been doing the excercising and then I've been icing my knees and stimming with this little machine we bought. I has kept the swelling down. We went skiing on Saturday, though only for a few hours. My knees didn't hurt too much til the next day--it was my quads and calves. The bike on the low setting I need for the knees hasn't been keeping them very strong. I do hand weights with the bike to get the heart rate up. I've also been trying hard to eat my biggest meal at lunch and cut back at dinner and not be as munchy late at night. Having all the Christmas goodies still around hasn't helped--though we still have a bunch so I have controlled it somewhat. I haven't lost more than a pound. Good thing my grandson won't care if Grandma is fat. TJ (Tracy for those of you who don't know who TJ is.)

Young Family said...

I've had no sleep and started drinking leaded beverages. But I've managed to start reading my scriptures every day and I know that it has helped me with everything else. These have been my only changes for the new year Shane, I 'm not sure they are what you were looking for. Becky

Young Family said...

Shane I am not sure this is what you are looking for but, I have not had any sleep and I've started drinking Coke to stay awake. I anxiously await the weekly goal of nothing leaded because it will be the only way I kick this one. I have started reading my scriptures everyday again, something that all ya all probably allready do and it has helped with everything else!

Peck Biggest Loser said...

After we all have a healthy 2008, maybe in 2009 we could have a "Improve your spiritual side" contest but I would need someone else to take control, because after the first week I would run out of ideas. But, it may not be a bad idea for us heathens. However both in the same year could put some of us over the edge.

Mindy said...

Well given the changes I've made this year so far, this week's goals are perfect for me! Lately all I want to eat are candy bars and ice cream; healthy food just doesn't sound good. I'm blaming it on pregnancy hormones, but am developing some very bad habits. (And the pregnancy excuse may be total crap as my first two trimesters I craved mostly fruit--especially blueberries) --Mindy